July 14, 2011

I fell off of the world.

Not really, but that's what it looks like on the internet. My computer is not functional right now (the saddest day ever!) so I'm only online when I can mooch internet and a keyboard from someone else.

I've also been busy doing important things like oh, I don't know, FINDING A JOB. Thank God (and my sister, who hooked me up with the interview) that search is over, I was getting really tired of countless, seemingly identical applications. I was offered a position at Radioshack, and I'm really excited about it. The people I'm going to be working with seem pretty cool, I can wear my black Converse, and, um....hello, can anyone else say employee discount? I'm going to use for EVERYTHING. Cell phone, computer, headphones, and even car audio. Just wait. My van is going to be pimped out in all the latest electronics. Oh, and I'm saving up to have it painted like the mystery machine.

It will be mine. Oh yes, it will be mine.

That's the thing about having a job...I have a million things I want to spend money on! But, I have my priorities in line. First, getting my van's insurance taken care of, and tying up the loose ends so I'm driving again, instead of bumming rides like, well, a bum. Then, getting my own cell phone in my own name, instead of Dad paying for it.

Then, the van becomes the pimped-out mystery machine it was always meant to be.

My first day at work is tomorrow, so I'll try to post and let the WHOLE INTERNET know how it went. In the meantime, stay swag, internet.


  1. Cell phones are cheaper in bundles!!!

  2. best to you on this job. save up for a while so you buy the van in cash and still have money for insurance, rent, and food. Mamma P still loves having you over at her home!

  3. Not to make you all sad-panda, but the computer itself isn't discount eligible.
